My friends will tell you I know NOTHING about art, but somehow
I'm always
labeled artsy. Anything other than Andy Warhol goes right over my head. I look at the Mona Lisa and screw my face, I simply do not get it. I know what I like, and that's all that really matters... On that note, I
freakin adore Frank Morrison. He captures the very essence of black culture, no frills. He shows us exactly the way we are, beautiful. The pictures bring a fantastic nostalgia. They remind me of sights I've seen and places I've been. His work is on display at House of Art in Bed
Stuy, Brooklyn through December 31.
On the other side of the gallery are photos by Jamel
Shabazz, a marvelous compliment to
Morrisons paintings (cheers for the curator).
Shabazz captures the rawest elements of black life. For example,
there's a photograph of a mother and child immediately post birth (I think the cords still attached!). Sometimes they're a little too raw for me. He captures real life
scenarios that I
squeamishly avoid, the moments when I'd turn my head or shield my eyes, but he also captures our glory. These moments are beautiful, they make us who we are.
Shabazz will also be on display through December 31.
Later that night I attended another gallery opening at Fuse, a tiny gallery space inside of Lit on 2
nd ave. The photography was perfectly suited for the hipster haven, underwhelming, but enjoyable if you've spent your day abusing substances. Cute venue, but I honestly didn't even notice the photographers name, my bad :(
My evening ended at the Brooklyn museum with all of the other cool kids(see,
toldya I was artsy!) . First
Saturdays at the Brooklyn museum have become a staple, attracting immigrants from Jersey and Harlem. Its where we like minded
Brooklyn individuals (who tend to follow
each other around the city) begin our month. I applaud Target for creating an event that appeals to
Brooklyn cool kids of all ages shapes and sizes. There's the bar (because there's a DJ and whats a DJ without a bar?), but IDs are not required (score for the college kids), and please beware of small children (their parents are still clinging to their youth).
You know an event is major when the Japanese tourist attend (I was once interviewed by a
Japanese fashion blogger). The event has become so grand
in fact, that ill be taking a winter
hiatus, Ill return when the party moves outside for the summer (I
don't do well in crowds).